Rotate and crop image in Sketchware
Here is how we can create a sample app in Sketchware which can rotate and crop image and save it as .jpg file. Follow the steps given below.
1. Create a new project in Sketchware. In main.xml add LinearLayout linear2, linear3, and linear1. For linear2 set weight to 1. Inside linear2 add LinearLayout linear4 (In linear4 we will add CropImageView). For linear4 set padding to 0.
In linear1 add Button button_rotate, button_crop, and button_save. Inside linear3 add Button button_pick and button_images. Watch video below (Sadly the images are not working on blogger).
2. In onCreate,* make linear1 visibility GONE.
* Put following codes in an add source directly block
crp = new CropImageView(MainActivity.this);
LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
lp.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
linear4.addView(crp, 0);
3. Create a More block cropClass and put following codes in it.
private Bitmap bitmap1;
private Bitmap save_bitmap;
private CropImageView crp;
public static class CropImageView extends ImageView {
private static final String TAG = CropImageView.class.getName();
public static final int GUIDELINES_OFF = 0;
public static final int GUIDELINES_ON_TOUCH = 1;
public static final int GUIDELINES_ON = 2;
private Paint mBorderPaint;
private Paint mGuidelinePaint;
private Paint mCornerPaint;
private Paint mSurroundingAreaOverlayPaint;
private float mHandleRadius;
private float mSnapRadius;
private float mCornerThickness;
private float mBorderThickness;
private float mCornerLength;
private RectF mBitmapRect = new RectF();
private PointF mTouchOffset = new PointF();
private Handle mPressedHandle;
private boolean mFixAspectRatio;
private int mAspectRatioX = 1;
private int mAspectRatioY = 1;
private int mGuidelinesMode = 1;
public CropImageView(Context context) {
init(context, null);
public CropImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
init(context, attrs);
public CropImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
init(context, attrs);
private void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
//final TypedArray typedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.CropImageView, 0, 0);
mGuidelinesMode = 1;
mFixAspectRatio = false;
mAspectRatioX = 1;
mAspectRatioY = 1;
final android.content.res.Resources resources = context.getResources();
mBorderPaint = PaintUtil.newBorderPaint(resources);
mGuidelinePaint = PaintUtil.newGuidelinePaint(resources);
mSurroundingAreaOverlayPaint = PaintUtil.newSurroundingAreaOverlayPaint(resources);
mCornerPaint = PaintUtil.newCornerPaint(resources);
mHandleRadius = 24;
mSnapRadius = 3;
mBorderThickness = 3;
mCornerThickness = 5;
mCornerLength = 20;
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
mBitmapRect = getBitmapRect();
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
if (!isEnabled()) {
return false;
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
onActionDown(event.getX(), event.getY());
return true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
return true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
onActionMove(event.getX(), event.getY());
return true;
return false;
public void setGuidelines(int guidelinesMode) {
mGuidelinesMode = guidelinesMode;
public void setFixedAspectRatio(boolean fixAspectRatio) {
mFixAspectRatio = fixAspectRatio;
public void setAspectRatio(int aspectRatioX, int aspectRatioY) {
if (aspectRatioX <= 0 || aspectRatioY <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set aspect ratio value to a number less than or equal to 0.");
mAspectRatioX = aspectRatioX;
mAspectRatioY = aspectRatioY;
if (mFixAspectRatio) {
public Bitmap getCroppedImage() {
final drawable = getDrawable();
if (drawable == null || !(drawable instanceof {
return null;
final float[] matrixValues = new float[9];
final float scaleX = matrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X];
final float scaleY = matrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_Y];
final float transX = matrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
final float transY = matrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
final float bitmapLeft = (transX < 0) ? Math.abs(transX) : 0;
final float bitmapTop = (transY < 0) ? Math.abs(transY) : 0;
final Bitmap originalBitmap = (( drawable).getBitmap();
final float cropX = (bitmapLeft + Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate()) / scaleX;
final float cropY = (bitmapTop + Edge.TOP.getCoordinate()) / scaleY;
final float cropWidth = Math.min(Edge.getWidth() / scaleX, originalBitmap.getWidth() - cropX);
final float cropHeight = Math.min(Edge.getHeight() / scaleY, originalBitmap.getHeight() - cropY);
return Bitmap.createBitmap(originalBitmap,
(int) cropX,
(int) cropY,
(int) cropWidth,
(int) cropHeight);
private RectF getBitmapRect() {
final drawable = getDrawable();
if (drawable == null) {
return new RectF();
final float[] matrixValues = new float[9];
final float scaleX = matrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X];
final float scaleY = matrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_Y];
final float transX = matrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
final float transY = matrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
final int drawableIntrinsicWidth = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
final int drawableIntrinsicHeight = drawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
final int drawableDisplayWidth = Math.round(drawableIntrinsicWidth * scaleX);
final int drawableDisplayHeight = Math.round(drawableIntrinsicHeight * scaleY);
final float left = Math.max(transX, 0);
final float top = Math.max(transY, 0);
final float right = Math.min(left + drawableDisplayWidth, getWidth());
final float bottom = Math.min(top + drawableDisplayHeight, getHeight());
return new RectF(left, top, right, bottom);
private void initCropWindow(RectF bitmapRect) {
if (mFixAspectRatio) {
} else {
final float horizontalPadding = 0.1f * bitmapRect.width();
final float verticalPadding = 0.1f * bitmapRect.height();
Edge.LEFT.setCoordinate(bitmapRect.left + horizontalPadding);
Edge.TOP.setCoordinate( + verticalPadding);
Edge.RIGHT.setCoordinate(bitmapRect.right - horizontalPadding);
Edge.BOTTOM.setCoordinate(bitmapRect.bottom - verticalPadding);
private void initCropWindowWithFixedAspectRatio(RectF bitmapRect) {
if (AspectRatioUtil.calculateAspectRatio(bitmapRect) > getTargetAspectRatio()) {
final float cropWidth = AspectRatioUtil.calculateWidth(bitmapRect.height(), getTargetAspectRatio());
Edge.LEFT.setCoordinate(bitmapRect.centerX() - cropWidth / 2f);
Edge.RIGHT.setCoordinate(bitmapRect.centerX() + cropWidth / 2f);
} else {
final float cropHeight = AspectRatioUtil.calculateHeight(bitmapRect.width(), getTargetAspectRatio());
Edge.TOP.setCoordinate(bitmapRect.centerY() - cropHeight / 2f);
Edge.BOTTOM.setCoordinate(bitmapRect.centerY() + cropHeight / 2f);
private void drawDarkenedSurroundingArea(Canvas canvas) {
final RectF bitmapRect = mBitmapRect;
final float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
final float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
final float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate();
final float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate();
canvas.drawRect(bitmapRect.left,, bitmapRect.right, top, mSurroundingAreaOverlayPaint);
canvas.drawRect(bitmapRect.left, bottom, bitmapRect.right, bitmapRect.bottom, mSurroundingAreaOverlayPaint);
canvas.drawRect(bitmapRect.left, top, left, bottom, mSurroundingAreaOverlayPaint);
canvas.drawRect(right, top, bitmapRect.right, bottom, mSurroundingAreaOverlayPaint);
private void drawGuidelines(Canvas canvas) {
if (!shouldGuidelinesBeShown()) {
final float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
final float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
final float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate();
final float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate();
final float oneThirdCropWidth = Edge.getWidth() / 3;
final float x1 = left + oneThirdCropWidth;
canvas.drawLine(x1, top, x1, bottom, mGuidelinePaint);
final float x2 = right - oneThirdCropWidth;
canvas.drawLine(x2, top, x2, bottom, mGuidelinePaint);
final float oneThirdCropHeight = Edge.getHeight() / 3;
final float y1 = top + oneThirdCropHeight;
canvas.drawLine(left, y1, right, y1, mGuidelinePaint);
final float y2 = bottom - oneThirdCropHeight;
canvas.drawLine(left, y2, right, y2, mGuidelinePaint);
private void drawBorder(Canvas canvas) {
private void drawCorners(Canvas canvas) {
final float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
final float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
final float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate();
final float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate();
final float lateralOffset = (mCornerThickness - mBorderThickness) / 2f;
final float startOffset = mCornerThickness - (mBorderThickness / 2f);
canvas.drawLine(left - lateralOffset, top - startOffset, left - lateralOffset, top + mCornerLength, mCornerPaint);
canvas.drawLine(left - startOffset, top - lateralOffset, left + mCornerLength, top - lateralOffset, mCornerPaint);
canvas.drawLine(right + lateralOffset, top - startOffset, right + lateralOffset, top + mCornerLength, mCornerPaint);
canvas.drawLine(right + startOffset, top - lateralOffset, right - mCornerLength, top - lateralOffset, mCornerPaint);
canvas.drawLine(left - lateralOffset, bottom + startOffset, left - lateralOffset, bottom - mCornerLength, mCornerPaint);
canvas.drawLine(left - startOffset, bottom + lateralOffset, left + mCornerLength, bottom + lateralOffset, mCornerPaint);
canvas.drawLine(right + lateralOffset, bottom + startOffset, right + lateralOffset, bottom - mCornerLength, mCornerPaint);
canvas.drawLine(right + startOffset, bottom + lateralOffset, right - mCornerLength, bottom + lateralOffset, mCornerPaint);
private boolean shouldGuidelinesBeShown() {
return ((mGuidelinesMode == GUIDELINES_ON)
|| ((mGuidelinesMode == GUIDELINES_ON_TOUCH) && (mPressedHandle != null)));
private float getTargetAspectRatio() {
return mAspectRatioX / (float) mAspectRatioY;
private void onActionDown(float x, float y) {
final float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
final float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
final float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate();
final float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate();
mPressedHandle = HandleUtil.getPressedHandle(x, y, left, top, right, bottom, mHandleRadius);
if (mPressedHandle != null) {
HandleUtil.getOffset(mPressedHandle, x, y, left, top, right, bottom, mTouchOffset);
private void onActionUp() {
if (mPressedHandle != null) {
mPressedHandle = null;
private void onActionMove(float x, float y) {
if (mPressedHandle == null) {
x += mTouchOffset.x;
y += mTouchOffset.y;
if (mFixAspectRatio) {
mPressedHandle.updateCropWindow(x, y, getTargetAspectRatio(), mBitmapRect, mSnapRadius);
} else {
mPressedHandle.updateCropWindow(x, y, mBitmapRect, mSnapRadius);
public static class PaintUtil {
public static Paint newBorderPaint(android.content.res.Resources resources) {
final Paint paint = new Paint();
return paint;
public static Paint newGuidelinePaint(android.content.res.Resources resources) {
final Paint paint = new Paint();
return paint;
public static Paint newSurroundingAreaOverlayPaint(android.content.res.Resources resources) {
final Paint paint = new Paint();
return paint;
public static Paint newCornerPaint(android.content.res.Resources resources) {
final Paint paint = new Paint();
return paint;
public static class MathUtil {
public static float calculateDistance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
final float side1 = x2 - x1;
final float side2 = y2 - y1;
return (float) Math.sqrt(side1 * side1 + side2 * side2);
public static class HandleUtil {
public static Handle getPressedHandle(float x,
float y,
float left,
float top,
float right,
float bottom,
float targetRadius) {
Handle closestHandle = null;
float closestDistance = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
final float distanceToTopLeft = MathUtil.calculateDistance(x, y, left, top);
if (distanceToTopLeft < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distanceToTopLeft;
closestHandle = Handle.TOP_LEFT;
final float distanceToTopRight = MathUtil.calculateDistance(x, y, right, top);
if (distanceToTopRight < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distanceToTopRight;
closestHandle = Handle.TOP_RIGHT;
final float distanceToBottomLeft = MathUtil.calculateDistance(x, y, left, bottom);
if (distanceToBottomLeft < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distanceToBottomLeft;
closestHandle = Handle.BOTTOM_LEFT;
final float distanceToBottomRight = MathUtil.calculateDistance(x, y, right, bottom);
if (distanceToBottomRight < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distanceToBottomRight;
closestHandle = Handle.BOTTOM_RIGHT;
if (closestDistance <= targetRadius) {
return closestHandle;
if (HandleUtil.isInHorizontalTargetZone(x, y, left, right, top, targetRadius)) {
return Handle.TOP;
} else if (HandleUtil.isInHorizontalTargetZone(x, y, left, right, bottom, targetRadius)) {
return Handle.BOTTOM;
} else if (HandleUtil.isInVerticalTargetZone(x, y, left, top, bottom, targetRadius)) {
return Handle.LEFT;
} else if (HandleUtil.isInVerticalTargetZone(x, y, right, top, bottom, targetRadius)) {
return Handle.RIGHT;
if (isWithinBounds(x, y, left, top, right, bottom)) {
return Handle.CENTER;
return null;
public static void getOffset(Handle handle,
float x,
float y,
float left,
float top,
float right,
float bottom,
PointF touchOffsetOutput) {
float touchOffsetX = 0;
float touchOffsetY = 0;
switch (handle) {
case TOP_LEFT:
touchOffsetX = left - x;
touchOffsetY = top - y;
touchOffsetX = right - x;
touchOffsetY = top - y;
touchOffsetX = left - x;
touchOffsetY = bottom - y;
touchOffsetX = right - x;
touchOffsetY = bottom - y;
case LEFT:
touchOffsetX = left - x;
touchOffsetY = 0;
case TOP:
touchOffsetX = 0;
touchOffsetY = top - y;
case RIGHT:
touchOffsetX = right - x;
touchOffsetY = 0;
case BOTTOM:
touchOffsetX = 0;
touchOffsetY = bottom - y;
case CENTER:
final float centerX = (right + left) / 2;
final float centerY = (top + bottom) / 2;
touchOffsetX = centerX - x;
touchOffsetY = centerY - y;
touchOffsetOutput.x = touchOffsetX;
touchOffsetOutput.y = touchOffsetY;
private static boolean isInHorizontalTargetZone(float x,
float y,
float handleXStart,
float handleXEnd,
float handleY,
float targetRadius) {
return (x > handleXStart && x < handleXEnd && Math.abs(y - handleY) <= targetRadius);
private static boolean isInVerticalTargetZone(float x,
float y,
float handleX,
float handleYStart,
float handleYEnd,
float targetRadius) {
return (Math.abs(x - handleX) <= targetRadius && y > handleYStart && y < handleYEnd);
private static boolean isWithinBounds(float x, float y, float left, float top, float right, float bottom) {
return x >= left && x <= right && y >= top && y <= bottom;
public static class AspectRatioUtil {
public static float calculateAspectRatio(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) {
final float width = right - left;
final float height = bottom - top;
return width / height;
public static float calculateAspectRatio(RectF rect) {
return rect.width() / rect.height();
public static float calculateLeft(float top, float right, float bottom, float targetAspectRatio) {
final float height = bottom - top;
return right - (targetAspectRatio * height);
public static float calculateTop(float left, float right, float bottom, float targetAspectRatio) {
final float width = right - left;
return bottom - (width / targetAspectRatio);
public static float calculateRight(float left, float top, float bottom, float targetAspectRatio) {
final float height = bottom - top;
return (targetAspectRatio * height) + left;
public static float calculateBottom(float left, float top, float right, float targetAspectRatio) {
final float width = right - left;
return (width / targetAspectRatio) + top;
public static float calculateWidth(float height, float targetAspectRatio) {
return targetAspectRatio * height;
public static float calculateHeight(float width, float targetAspectRatio) {
return width / targetAspectRatio;
public static enum Handle {
TOP_LEFT(new CornerHandleHelper(Edge.TOP, Edge.LEFT)),
TOP_RIGHT(new CornerHandleHelper(Edge.TOP, Edge.RIGHT)),
BOTTOM_LEFT(new CornerHandleHelper(Edge.BOTTOM, Edge.LEFT)),
BOTTOM_RIGHT(new CornerHandleHelper(Edge.BOTTOM, Edge.RIGHT)),
LEFT(new VerticalHandleHelper(Edge.LEFT)),
TOP(new HorizontalHandleHelper(Edge.TOP)),
RIGHT(new VerticalHandleHelper(Edge.RIGHT)),
BOTTOM(new HorizontalHandleHelper(Edge.BOTTOM)),
CENTER(new CenterHandleHelper());
private HandleHelper mHelper;
Handle(HandleHelper helper) {
mHelper = helper;
public void updateCropWindow(float x,
float y,
RectF imageRect,
float snapRadius) {
mHelper.updateCropWindow(x, y, imageRect, snapRadius);
public void updateCropWindow(float x,
float y,
float targetAspectRatio,
RectF imageRect,
float snapRadius) {
mHelper.updateCropWindow(x, y, targetAspectRatio, imageRect, snapRadius);
static abstract class HandleHelper {
private static final float UNFIXED_ASPECT_RATIO_CONSTANT = 1;
private Edge mHorizontalEdge;
private Edge mVerticalEdge;
private EdgePair mActiveEdges;
HandleHelper(Edge horizontalEdge, Edge verticalEdge) {
mHorizontalEdge = horizontalEdge;
mVerticalEdge = verticalEdge;
mActiveEdges = new EdgePair(mHorizontalEdge, mVerticalEdge);
void updateCropWindow(float x,
float y,
RectF imageRect,
float snapRadius) {
final EdgePair activeEdges = getActiveEdges();
final Edge primaryEdge = activeEdges.primary;
final Edge secondaryEdge = activeEdges.secondary;
if (primaryEdge != null)
primaryEdge.adjustCoordinate(x, y, imageRect, snapRadius, UNFIXED_ASPECT_RATIO_CONSTANT);
if (secondaryEdge != null)
secondaryEdge.adjustCoordinate(x, y, imageRect, snapRadius, UNFIXED_ASPECT_RATIO_CONSTANT);
abstract void updateCropWindow(float x,
float y,
float targetAspectRatio,
RectF imageRect,
float snapRadius);
EdgePair getActiveEdges() {
return mActiveEdges;
EdgePair getActiveEdges(float x, float y, float targetAspectRatio) {
final float potentialAspectRatio = getAspectRatio(x, y);
if (potentialAspectRatio > targetAspectRatio) {
mActiveEdges.primary = mVerticalEdge;
mActiveEdges.secondary = mHorizontalEdge;
} else {
mActiveEdges.primary = mHorizontalEdge;
mActiveEdges.secondary = mVerticalEdge;
return mActiveEdges;
private float getAspectRatio(float x, float y) {
final float left = (mVerticalEdge == Edge.LEFT) ? x : Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
final float top = (mHorizontalEdge == Edge.TOP) ? y : Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
final float right = (mVerticalEdge == Edge.RIGHT) ? x : Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate();
final float bottom = (mHorizontalEdge == Edge.BOTTOM) ? y : Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate();
return AspectRatioUtil.calculateAspectRatio(left, top, right, bottom);
static class HorizontalHandleHelper extends HandleHelper {
private Edge mEdge;
HorizontalHandleHelper(Edge edge) {
super(edge, null);
mEdge = edge;
void updateCropWindow(float x,
float y,
float targetAspectRatio,
RectF imageRect,
float snapRadius) {
mEdge.adjustCoordinate(x, y, imageRect, snapRadius, targetAspectRatio);
float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate();
final float targetWidth = AspectRatioUtil.calculateWidth(Edge.getHeight(), targetAspectRatio);
final float difference = targetWidth - Edge.getWidth();
final float halfDifference = difference / 2;
left -= halfDifference;
right += halfDifference;
if (Edge.LEFT.isOutsideMargin(imageRect, snapRadius)
&& !mEdge.isNewRectangleOutOfBounds(Edge.LEFT, imageRect, targetAspectRatio)) {
final float offset = Edge.LEFT.snapToRect(imageRect);
if (Edge.RIGHT.isOutsideMargin(imageRect, snapRadius)
&& !mEdge.isNewRectangleOutOfBounds(Edge.RIGHT, imageRect, targetAspectRatio)) {
final float offset = Edge.RIGHT.snapToRect(imageRect);
static class VerticalHandleHelper extends HandleHelper {
private Edge mEdge;
VerticalHandleHelper(Edge edge) {
super(null, edge);
mEdge = edge;
void updateCropWindow(float x,
float y,
float targetAspectRatio,
RectF imageRect,
float snapRadius) {
mEdge.adjustCoordinate(x, y, imageRect, snapRadius, targetAspectRatio);
float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate();
final float targetHeight = AspectRatioUtil.calculateHeight(Edge.getWidth(), targetAspectRatio);
final float difference = targetHeight - Edge.getHeight();
final float halfDifference = difference / 2;
top -= halfDifference;
bottom += halfDifference;
if (Edge.TOP.isOutsideMargin(imageRect, snapRadius)
&& !mEdge.isNewRectangleOutOfBounds(Edge.TOP, imageRect, targetAspectRatio)) {
final float offset = Edge.TOP.snapToRect(imageRect);
if (Edge.BOTTOM.isOutsideMargin(imageRect, snapRadius)
&& !mEdge.isNewRectangleOutOfBounds(Edge.BOTTOM, imageRect, targetAspectRatio)) {
final float offset = Edge.BOTTOM.snapToRect(imageRect);
static class CenterHandleHelper extends HandleHelper {
CenterHandleHelper() {
super(null, null);
void updateCropWindow(float x,
float y,
RectF imageRect,
float snapRadius) {
float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate();
float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate();
final float currentCenterX = (left + right) / 2;
final float currentCenterY = (top + bottom) / 2;
final float offsetX = x - currentCenterX;
final float offsetY = y - currentCenterY;
if (Edge.LEFT.isOutsideMargin(imageRect, snapRadius)) {
final float offset = Edge.LEFT.snapToRect(imageRect);
} else if (Edge.RIGHT.isOutsideMargin(imageRect, snapRadius)) {
final float offset = Edge.RIGHT.snapToRect(imageRect);
if (Edge.TOP.isOutsideMargin(imageRect, snapRadius)) {
final float offset = Edge.TOP.snapToRect(imageRect);
} else if (Edge.BOTTOM.isOutsideMargin(imageRect, snapRadius)) {
final float offset = Edge.BOTTOM.snapToRect(imageRect);
void updateCropWindow(float x,
float y,
float targetAspectRatio,
RectF imageRect,
float snapRadius) {
updateCropWindow(x, y, imageRect, snapRadius);
static class CornerHandleHelper extends HandleHelper {
CornerHandleHelper(Edge horizontalEdge, Edge verticalEdge) {
super(horizontalEdge, verticalEdge);
void updateCropWindow(float x,
float y,
float targetAspectRatio,
RectF imageRect,
float snapRadius) {
final EdgePair activeEdges = getActiveEdges(x, y, targetAspectRatio);
final Edge primaryEdge = activeEdges.primary;
final Edge secondaryEdge = activeEdges.secondary;
primaryEdge.adjustCoordinate(x, y, imageRect, snapRadius, targetAspectRatio);
if (secondaryEdge.isOutsideMargin(imageRect, snapRadius)) {
public static enum Edge {
public static final int MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX = 40;
private float mCoordinate;
public void setCoordinate(float coordinate) {
mCoordinate = coordinate;
public void offset(float distance) {
mCoordinate += distance;
public float getCoordinate() {
return mCoordinate;
public void adjustCoordinate(float x, float y, RectF imageRect, float imageSnapRadius, float aspectRatio) {
switch (this) {
case LEFT:
mCoordinate = adjustLeft(x, imageRect, imageSnapRadius, aspectRatio);
case TOP:
mCoordinate = adjustTop(y, imageRect, imageSnapRadius, aspectRatio);
case RIGHT:
mCoordinate = adjustRight(x, imageRect, imageSnapRadius, aspectRatio);
case BOTTOM:
mCoordinate = adjustBottom(y, imageRect, imageSnapRadius, aspectRatio);
public void adjustCoordinate(float aspectRatio) {
final float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
final float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
final float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate();
final float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate();
switch (this) {
case LEFT:
mCoordinate = AspectRatioUtil.calculateLeft(top, right, bottom, aspectRatio);
case TOP:
mCoordinate = AspectRatioUtil.calculateTop(left, right, bottom, aspectRatio);
case RIGHT:
mCoordinate = AspectRatioUtil.calculateRight(left, top, bottom, aspectRatio);
case BOTTOM:
mCoordinate = AspectRatioUtil.calculateBottom(left, top, right, aspectRatio);
public boolean isNewRectangleOutOfBounds(Edge edge, RectF imageRect, float aspectRatio) {
final float offset = edge.snapOffset(imageRect);
switch (this) {
case LEFT:
if (edge.equals(Edge.TOP)) {
final float top =;
final float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate() - offset;
final float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate();
final float left = AspectRatioUtil.calculateLeft(top, right, bottom, aspectRatio);
return isOutOfBounds(top, left, bottom, right, imageRect);
} else if (edge.equals(Edge.BOTTOM)) {
final float bottom = imageRect.bottom;
final float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate() - offset;
final float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate();
final float left = AspectRatioUtil.calculateLeft(top, right, bottom, aspectRatio);
return isOutOfBounds(top, left, bottom, right, imageRect);
case TOP:
if (edge.equals(Edge.LEFT)) {
final float left = imageRect.left;
final float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate() - offset;
final float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate();
final float top = AspectRatioUtil.calculateTop(left, right, bottom, aspectRatio);
return isOutOfBounds(top, left, bottom, right, imageRect);
} else if (edge.equals(Edge.RIGHT)) {
final float right = imageRect.right;
final float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate() - offset;
final float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate();
final float top = AspectRatioUtil.calculateTop(left, right, bottom, aspectRatio);
return isOutOfBounds(top, left, bottom, right, imageRect);
case RIGHT:
if (edge.equals(Edge.TOP)) {
final float top =;
final float bottom = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate() - offset;
final float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
final float right = AspectRatioUtil.calculateRight(left, top, bottom, aspectRatio);
return isOutOfBounds(top, left, bottom, right, imageRect);
} else if (edge.equals(Edge.BOTTOM)) {
final float bottom = imageRect.bottom;
final float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate() - offset;
final float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
final float right = AspectRatioUtil.calculateRight(left, top, bottom, aspectRatio);
return isOutOfBounds(top, left, bottom, right, imageRect);
case BOTTOM:
if (edge.equals(Edge.LEFT)) {
final float left = imageRect.left;
final float right = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate() - offset;
final float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
final float bottom = AspectRatioUtil.calculateBottom(left, top, right, aspectRatio);
return isOutOfBounds(top, left, bottom, right, imageRect);
} else if (edge.equals(Edge.RIGHT)) {
final float right = imageRect.right;
final float left = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate() - offset;
final float top = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
final float bottom = AspectRatioUtil.calculateBottom(left, top, right, aspectRatio);
return isOutOfBounds(top, left, bottom, right, imageRect);
return true;
private boolean isOutOfBounds(float top, float left, float bottom, float right, RectF imageRect) {
return (top < || left < imageRect.left || bottom > imageRect.bottom || right > imageRect.right);
public float snapToRect(RectF imageRect) {
final float oldCoordinate = mCoordinate;
switch (this) {
case LEFT:
mCoordinate = imageRect.left;
case TOP:
mCoordinate =;
case RIGHT:
mCoordinate = imageRect.right;
case BOTTOM:
mCoordinate = imageRect.bottom;
return mCoordinate - oldCoordinate;
public float snapOffset(RectF imageRect) {
final float oldCoordinate = mCoordinate;
final float newCoordinate;
switch (this) {
case LEFT:
newCoordinate = imageRect.left;
case TOP:
newCoordinate =;
case RIGHT:
newCoordinate = imageRect.right;
default: // BOTTOM
newCoordinate = imageRect.bottom;
return newCoordinate - oldCoordinate;
public static float getWidth() {
return Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate() - Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate();
public static float getHeight() {
return Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate() - Edge.TOP.getCoordinate();
public boolean isOutsideMargin(RectF rect, float margin) {
final boolean result;
switch (this) {
case LEFT:
result = mCoordinate - rect.left < margin;
case TOP:
result = mCoordinate - < margin;
case RIGHT:
result = rect.right - mCoordinate < margin;
default: // BOTTOM
result = rect.bottom - mCoordinate < margin;
return result;
private static float adjustLeft(float x, RectF imageRect, float imageSnapRadius, float aspectRatio) {
final float resultX;
if (x - imageRect.left < imageSnapRadius) {
resultX = imageRect.left;
} else {
float resultXHoriz = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
float resultXVert = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (x >= Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate() - MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX) {
resultXHoriz = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate() - MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX;
if (((Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate() - x) / aspectRatio) <= MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX) {
resultXVert = Edge.RIGHT.getCoordinate() - (MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX * aspectRatio);
resultX = Math.min(x, Math.min(resultXHoriz, resultXVert));
return resultX;
private static float adjustRight(float x, RectF imageRect, float imageSnapRadius, float aspectRatio) {
final float resultX;
if (imageRect.right - x < imageSnapRadius) {
resultX = imageRect.right;
} else {
float resultXHoriz = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
float resultXVert = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
if (x <= Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate() + MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX) {
resultXHoriz = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate() + MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX;
if (((x - Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate()) / aspectRatio) <= MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX) {
resultXVert = Edge.LEFT.getCoordinate() + (MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX * aspectRatio);
resultX = Math.max(x, Math.max(resultXHoriz, resultXVert));
return resultX;
private static float adjustTop(float y, RectF imageRect, float imageSnapRadius, float aspectRatio) {
final float resultY;
if (y - < imageSnapRadius) {
resultY =;
} else {
float resultYVert = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
float resultYHoriz = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (y >= Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate() - MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX)
resultYHoriz = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate() - MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX;
if (((Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate() - y) * aspectRatio) <= MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX)
resultYVert = Edge.BOTTOM.getCoordinate() - (MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX / aspectRatio);
resultY = Math.min(y, Math.min(resultYHoriz, resultYVert));
return resultY;
private static float adjustBottom(float y, RectF imageRect, float imageSnapRadius, float aspectRatio) {
final float resultY;
if (imageRect.bottom - y < imageSnapRadius) {
resultY = imageRect.bottom;
} else {
float resultYVert = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
float resultYHoriz = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
if (y <= Edge.TOP.getCoordinate() + MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX) {
resultYVert = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate() + MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX;
if (((y - Edge.TOP.getCoordinate()) * aspectRatio) <= MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX) {
resultYHoriz = Edge.TOP.getCoordinate() + (MIN_CROP_LENGTH_PX / aspectRatio);
resultY = Math.max(y, Math.max(resultYHoriz, resultYVert));
return resultY;
public static class EdgePair {
public Edge primary;
public Edge secondary;
public EdgePair(Edge edge1, Edge edge2) {
primary = edge1;
secondary = edge2;
4. Add a FilePicker file_picker: image/*, a Calendar cal and an Intent intent.
5. Add a String list list, a String path, and a String save_filepath.
6. In event button_pick onClick, use block FilePicker pick files.
7. In onFilesPicked event,
* Make linear1 visibility VISIBLE.
* Set String path to get at 0 of List string filePath.
* Put following codes in an add source directly block.
if (path == null){
Uri uri = _data.getData();
path = uri.toString();
Bitmap image = FileUtil.decodeSampleBitmapFromPath(path, 1024, 1024);
8. In event button_rotate onClick, put following codes
bitmap1 = ((; matrix = new;
matrix.postScale((float)1, (float)1);
save_bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap1, 0, 0, bitmap1.getWidth(), bitmap1.getHeight(), matrix, true);
9. In event button_crop onClick, put following codes:
save_bitmap = crp.getCroppedImage();
10. Create a new page savedfiles.xml. Add a ListView listview1 in it.
11. In event button_save onClick in MainActivity,
* Use block Calendar get now.
* Set String save_filepath to get package data directory + "/" + Calendar format "ddMm_hhmm" + .jpg.
* Put following codes.
try { file = new; out = new;
save_bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, (int)80, out);
showMessage("Image saved");
* Use intent to move to SavedFilesActivity.
* Then put following codes.
} catch (Exception e){
12. In event button_images onClick, use intent to move to SavedFilesActivity.
13. In SavedFilesActivity, add a number variable n, a String list filelist and a String list imagelist. Then in onCreate,
* Get file list in package data directory to List String filelist.
* Set number n to 0.
* Repeat for length of filelist:
- If get at n of filelist is not a directory, add get at n of filelist to imagelist.
- n increase 1.
* ListView listview1 setListViewData to imagelist.
14. Add Dialog components dialog and dialog_delete. Add Camera component cam.
15. In listview1 onitemClicked event,
* Dialog dialog set title "Share or open image"
* Dialog dialog set message get at position of imagelist.
* Dialog dialog set OK button 'Share' clicked:
Intent iten = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);
iten.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, FileProvider.getUriForFile(SavedFilesActivity.this, getApplicationContext().getPackageName() + ".provider", new;
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(iten, "Send to"));
* Dialog dialog set Cancel button 'Open' clicked:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(FileProvider.getUriForFile(SavedFilesActivity.this, getApplicationContext().getPackageName() + ".provider", new, "image/jpg");
try {
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
showMessage(e.toString()); }
* Dialog dialog set neutral button ' Cancel'.
* Dialog dialog show.
* Dialog dialog_delete set title "Delete this file?"
* Dialog dialog_delete set message get at position of imagelist.
* Dialog dialog_delete set OK button 'Delete' clicked:
Delete file path get at position of imagelist.
Delete at position of imagelist.
ListView listview1 refresh data.
* Dialog dialog_delete set cancel button ' Cancel'.
* Dialog dialog_delete set cancel button ' Cancel'.
* Dialog dialog_delete show.
17. Save and run the project.
Watch video below:
How to get the cropped one into an Image view?
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