Create list of YouTube videos with thumbnails and titles

To display a list of YouTube Videos on a page, we can follow the steps given below. 1. In VIEW area of main.xml add a ListView listview1 . 2. Create a Custom View custom.xml . Here add an ImageView imageview1 and TextView textview1 . 3. For listview1 select custom.xml as CustomView. 4. Add a RequestNetwork component rn . Also add an Intent component i . 5. Create a String List idlist , a Map List videoList , a Number variable n , and a Map variable map . 6. In onCreate event: a. Add id of YouTube videos to idlist . Note that in video URL the video id is dPHreMHHoGY . b. Then use a repeat block. Repeat for length of List idlist . c. Inside repeat block, use RequestNetwork method GET for url Join and get at n of idlist and &format=json * See image above. d. After this, inside repe...