
Showing posts from June, 2017

Sketchware: How to create a digital clock?

It is very easy to include a real time digital clock in your Android App created with Sketchware. Firstly, drag and drop a  textview  widget in a  linear layout . Edit it's text size to 25 or more. Now in the Logic of your app, add a  Calendar component  and a  Timer component . Then go to onCreate event and add a  new block . I added a block named rep in my project. After that  define the new block  function. Use  TimerTask after ..1.. ms  block and inside that use  Calendar getNow  block and  textview setText  block . Set text of textview to  Calendar...Format....  block, and then repeat the block. The image below shows the blocks. Lastly, in  onCreate  activity drag and drop the  new block  as shown below. Now save and run your app. It will show current date and time updating every millisecond. You can change the calendar Format to show the clock in your way.  The format ' yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a ' will show the time in AM/PM format.

Easiest way to create an App for your website

You can convert your website or mobile site into an app very easily. It doesn't need any programming language or any investment. The only thing you need is an Android mobile and Sketchware app. Install Sketchware App in your mobile and start a  new project . Write your  app name  and select an icon for your app. Now in your project View area drag and drop a  webview  widget. Set width of WebView to match parent and set padding to 0. In Logic area of your project, in  onCreate  event add the  WebView loadUrl  block and write Url of your site in it. Now add a new event, namely ' On back button press ', in your app Logic area. On in On back button press, use if..else.. block. Add Webview goBack block as shown in image below. It should read,  if WebView canGoBack then WebView goBack else Finish Activity . Now  save and Run  the project. Your App is ready. You can  get .apk file  of your app go to  project options  and click on  Send install file(APK) . You

How to set an object into pendulum motion in Sketchware?

How to create a pendulum in Sketchware? Here is a video of how I created a pendulum in Sketchware: Firstly​, in View field create a pendulum in a linear horizontal block, either using an imageview or textview. It should be such that the pendulum lies horizontally in right half of the linear horizontal block. Next, create a new timer, and a new function. Add a new variable t and set it's​ value to 0 in onCreate event. Also set rotation of textview to 90°. Now define the new function in such a way that the linear horizontal rotates in pendulum motion repeatedly. Use the codes as shown in the image below. And then save and run the project. It will show your image or text in pendulum motion.

Reset, move to previous webpage, and remove action bar in Sketchware

1. How to create a reset button in Sketchware? If you have an app which takes written input and has one or more Edittext widgets being used, you can use a reset button in your app which clears all the inputs in  Edittext  view. The method is very simple. Simply insert a new button in your view field and name it as  reset . Then in it's logic  set all Edittext to blank . The picture​ below shows an example. Now when you click the reset button, it will render all edittext fields blank. 2. How to enable going back or going to previous page in webview? In  webview  if you have not used any code other than  loadurl , the app exits on pressing back button on any webpage. To prevent that, in the logic of the app, use  onBackPressed  event and in that use following code: if WebView ......... canGoBack then       WebView.......... goBack else       Finish Activity On using this code, if there is a webpage history, your app will lead you to a previous page of pressing back

How to create an animation in Sketchware?

Here I have used the example of battery charging images to show how we can create a simple animation in Sketchware. Here is a video of the process: Step 1. Download Sketchware App . Step 2. Start a new project. Drag and drop a linear and an imageview block in the View area. Step 3. Use Image manager to add the images you want to use in animation. I have added seven different images of battery charging icon in this project. Step 4. Now in the Logic area add a new timer component . I have added a timer component named animate . Step 5. Now in the  Logic  area, click on  onCreate  event and add a  new block . I have added a block named  repeats . Step 6. In onCreate activity add: TimerTask ​ (animate) after 0 ms Inside TimerTask add Imageview...........setImage..........   repeats     (The new block you added) Now select the imageview name and the first image you want to display. Step 7. Now define the new block you added. In my proje