Check for latest app version using Firebase in Sketchware

You can store the latest version of your app in Firebase realtime database, and then check and compare it with the actual version of installed app. Follow the instructions below to know how to do this.

1. In your Firebase app in sketchware, in library manager, make sure you have entered correct App ID and project ID, and that Firebase switch is on.

2. Make sure the rules in your Firebase database are read and write true.

3. On the MainActivity or the Activity in which you want to check for the latest app version, add a new FirebaseDB component called Ver:version.

4. Create three new String variables, package_nameyour_version and latest_version, and a new Map variable map.

5. In onCreate event, set the string package_name to package name of your app.

6. Next in onCreate, use an add source directly block and put codes for getting the version of presently installed app.
try { pinfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo( package_name,;
your_version = pinfo.versionName; }
catch (Exception e){ showMessage(e.toString()); }

This code sets the string your_version to version of the installed app.

7. Next in onCreate use add source directly block and put following code.
DatabaseReference rootRef = _firebase.getReference(); rootRef.child("version").addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot.exists()) { } else {

This code checks if the FirebaseDB component version exists in the database. If it doesn't exist then push the version of installed app to the database. Use following blocks next.
After this complete the code for ValueEventListener by putting following code in another add source directly block.
} }
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError _error) { } });

The onCreate event should look as in image below.
8. Add a new Map List map1.

9. Add event FirebaseDB:Ver onChildAdded.
* In this event, get children from firebase database to Map List.
* Then set the string latest_version to key v at position 0 of the Map List.
* Then if latest_version is greater than your_version, toast a message that update is required. You can also display a dialog instead of toast and prompt user to update the app. Or you can use intent to directly lead the user to update url.
* Else if your_version is greater than latest_version, update the version in database using following code:

To accomplish this in FirebaseDB:Ver onChildAdded use blocks as shown in image below.

10. Save and run the project. Your app will show you if any new version is available, and your database will update automatically if someone installs a newer version of the app.


  1. Can you please tell me how to implement the application download from FireBase Storage?

    The path to my file:

    1. You have to do it through Google Drive.

    2. Why google drive? is downloading from firebase storage not available in sketchware app?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. and how do I add the version to firebase?

  2. Help, i have update required loop.

  3. Esta buena los codigos gracias a este bro publica codigos de java sketchware

  4. Without ability to add hyperlinks in TextViews Sketchware is useless to us Authors and internal links to word hyperlinks. If this is possible please let me know?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Where can I put my update.apk? Any one knows?

    1. Into Firebase Storage. You have to add to Firebase DB the Download Link or if not then you can use Google Play Link and change package name into your package name

  7. Como hago para implemententar un edittext que mediante un botón me valide si un nick esta disponible para usarse. Para no repetir nick entre usuarios.

  8. When I Open App Then The app show me "Invalid toNumber block operation
    :invalid double """

    1. Same here also Bro

    2. Change the package Name string to your application package name e.g

    3. Remove the toNumber blocks and replace ithem with the contains block then it will work correctly

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. ver.child(''app'').child(''v'').setValue(your_version) ver cannot be resolved

  11. ver.child(''app'').child(''v'').setValue(your_version) ver cannot be resolved

  12. ver.child(''app'').child(''v'').setValue(your_version) ver cannot be resolved

    help me please

    1. Ver.child("app").child("v").setValue(your_version);

      Here Ver should be same as name of your FirebaseDB component.

    2. None of the knowledge that you shared on YouTube has been proven successful, I tried it many times

  13. I have getting runtime error as
    android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -token android.os.BinderProxy@9e4874d is not valid; is your activity running ?

  14. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I finally fixed the issue after messing around with different blocks if you remove the toNumber block and replace it with the contains block then it will work correctly

  15. aapt: ERROR: In FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:fontVariationSettings aapt: ERROR: In FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:ttclndex

  16. Yo se cual es el error solo le falta unos corchetes {}
    este que les djo abajo si esta bien utilizenlo y les servira

    } }
    public void onCancelled(DatabaseError _error) { } });

    pueden visitar la pagina o canal

  17. Please help me,mine is cutting/goback it self when I'm trying to build the app...When I press build and it load to DX is running and then it will shut down it self...
    Pls if any help DM me on

  18. Ver.child(''app'').child(''v'').setValue(your_version) Ver cannot be resolved

    If you getting this error that is mean that your FirebaseDB component name isn't the same as this "Ver.child"

    How to fix it?
    It's super easy barely an inconvenience

    Either you change your FirebaseDB component name or change that "Ver.child" be "Your_component_name.child".

    1. Btw, thank you for providing this blog! I am using your code for my app. If you guys want the complete version of this block just go directly to Sketchware Shared Block and search for "version" and scroll until you find one with firebase word in it.
      And now i just need to know how to include my update app on firbaseDB.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I need help

    Listview couldn't display image I uploaded

    But if I check my firebase storage I will see it

  21. Hello Sir,
    How to write Firebase data for this project. Thank you.

  22. y como agrego la version a firebase, para que ya no me pida actualizar

    and how do I add the version to firebase, so that it no longer asks me to update


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