How to open any other App or website from your app?

Intent can be used to open urls or other apps from android app.

To open URLs from app

1. In order to link to a url from your app, which means on clicking a button or on any other event the url opens in default browser in mobile, first add an intent component in LOGIC area of Sketchware project.
2. Next, on button click event, add following blocks:
Intent setAction ACTION_VIEW,
Intent setData URL of website to be opened
StartActivity Intent

To open other apps in mobile from app

1. Other apps in mobile can be opened using the package name of those apps. If the app is not installed on mobile, then it will not open. Below is an example to open Snapseed photo editor app from a Sketchware app.

2. In order to open other apps directly on button click, add an intent component as shown above.

3. Next, on button click event, add following blocks:
Intent setAction ACTION_VIEW,
Intent setData android-app://com.niksoftware.snapseed(package name of the app)
StartActivity Intent


  1. Make one for file loading apus that load a file from an apk like it library folder plz need that

  2. How open all sharable app and share then

  3. How to open specified contact on whatsapp?

  4. Not working this on the latest version.
    While java compiling..
    It shows..

    ACTION_VIEW Cannot be resolved to a variable

    How to fix this

  5. I have webview app but i need to open torrent applications when i click on the magnet link on wwbview hiw it i possible?

  6. How can I deep link an android app with my app?

  7. syntax in opening calculator pls. tnkz

  8. I have a problem trying to open a website from sketchware app I developed. I am always getting the below message.

    Item not found. Retry

    Then the link comes below the page.

    The item to open is an apk file which is not from



    1. If it is a download url, use codes which enable download. If it is a website which tries to open in other app, stop using Intent which opens it in other apps.

  9. How to open a specific website in a
    specific app(ex chrome only) from my app?

  10. Thanks Now I am going to make my own Launcher😂

  11. How can open. App activity in sketchware... Example paypal .. Intent a botton to send money directly to my app

  12. it didn't work, the app just don't start at all.


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