Sketchware: Stop Keyboard from appearing on startup in Apps with Scroll and Edittext blocks

In Sketchware, if you have a Calculator App or any other app in which you have used an Edittext widget inside a Scroll layout on a page, you will notice that when the page starts, the on-screen keyboard pops up automatically without even touching the Edittext.

It happens because in this version of Android, when a view is inflated, the focus sets to the first focusable control by default; and if there is no physical keyboard, the on-screen keyboard will pop up.

In the latest version of Sketchware, it is very easy to fix, though it may not be possible in older versions.

In order to fix this, in Sketchware App, open your app for editing, go to view manager, choose the page (xml) on which you have to fix the problem of keyboard popping automatically, and set Keyboard state to hidden. Save and run your app, you shall find your problem fixed.


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