FirebaseAuth phone number verification in Sketchware

To create a login activity using Firebase Auth phone number verification method in Sketchware, follow the steps given below. This method uses Firebase authentication service for creating login.

1. In your Firebase account, go to Firebase authentication.
2. In Firebase authentication web set-up, go to SIGN-IN method, and enable Phone.

3. Go to Project settings in your Firebase project and copy the Web API Key, Project ID, and App ID.
4. Paste the Project ID, App ID, and Web API Key in your project in Sketchware, in the Firebase settings.

5. In main.xml add two EditText edittext1 and edittext2, and two Buttons button1 and button2 as shown in the image below.

6. On the MainActivity page add an Intent i. Also add a FirebaseAuth component fa.

7. Create a new page success.xml with a Button button1.

8. In onCreate event of MainActivity, if user is logged in move to SuccessActivity. Use blocks as shown in image below.
9. Create two more blocks, sendVerificationCode and verifyCode.

10. Create three String variables phone, codeSent, and code.

11. In more block sendVerificationCode, use blocks as shown below.

The codes used are:, 60, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS, this, mCallbacks);
} mCallbacks = new {
public void onVerificationCompleted( phoneAuthCredential) {
showMessage("Verification completed");
public void onVerificationFailed( e) {
public void onCodeSent(String s, forceResendingToken) {
super.onCodeSent(s, forceResendingToken);
codeSent = s;


12. In more block verifyCode, use blocks and codes as shown in the image below.
The codes used are: credential =, code);
private void signInWithPhoneAuthCredential( credential) {
fa.signInWithCredential(credential) .addOnCompleteListener(this, _fa_sign_in_listener);

Note that in above code 'fa' used twice, is the name of the FirebaseAuth component added in Sketchware.

13. In the event button1 onClick, use block sendVerificationCode.
14. In the event button2 onClick, use block verifyCode.
15. Add event FirebaseAuth onSignInUserComplete. Here use Intent to move to SuccessActivity.

16. In SuccessActivity, add FirebaseAuth component fa.

17. In the event button1 onClick, .
of SuccessActivity, logout FirebaseAuth.
18. Save and run the project.

19. Now download Dev Tools(Android Developer Tools) - Device Info app by trinea.

20. In Dev Tools app, click on App Info - your app. Copy the SHA-1 from here.

21. Go to your project in Firebase console. In project settings click on add fingerprint, and paste the SHA-1 code there.

22. That's all. Now you should be able to login using your phone number.


  1. Most awaited tutorial. Thanks for this.

    I want a tutorial on integrating payment gateway like instamojo. I want to add a subscription page in my app which redirects to payment gateway and after successful payment it returns a token. Pl make a tutorial on it.

    1. Bro all I done correctly but when I click on get code app closing. Please help me

    2. Bro all I done correctly but when I click on get code app closing. Please help me

    3. Bro you haven't added try/catch without it the app crashes when the input is empty

    4. Code not sent problem plz help

    5. ERROR in /storage/emulated/0/.sketchware/mysc/630/app/src/main/java/com/my/otp/ashish63/ (at line 264)
      codeSent = s;
      codeSent cannot be resolved to a variable

    6. Create a string variable "codeSent"

  2. Hi, I really need your help. I need the menu to be black after clicking on something. no matter how much I look, I found only this, but it does not work on new versions. maybe you can make it work on all versions, or something with app compat design. Here is the code for the white version that I use

    PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu(MainActivity.this, _view);
    Menu menu = popup.getMenu();
    popup.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener(){
    public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item){
    switch (item.getTitle().toString()){
    case "Delete":
    case "Show":
    return true;

    , but for the black version

    PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu(getApplicationContext() , _view);
    Menu menu = popup.getMenu();
    popup.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener(){
    public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item){
    switch (item.getTitle().toString()){
    case "Delete":
    case "Show":
    return true;

    Help me please, this is very important for me

    1. Instead of getApplicationContext() use

    2. We are having the same problem sir

  3. Hola.

    Me aparece un error.

    Error, 60, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS, this, mCallbacks);

    "mCallbacks cannot be resolved a variable"

    1 problem (1 error)

  4. Please update firebase db video in this tutorial

  5. Bro all I done correctly but when I click on get code app closing. Please help me

    1. What is the error you getting

    2. Hello bro, I have done allthing successfully. But When I log out & trying to again signin with same phone number, OTP does not received.

      Please Help Me

    3. Got error but my friend helps me to fix the order is wrong & need to remove { & } in 2nd & last asd block in send verification code moreblock

  6. Hello bro, I used these codes, created app. Installed it.
    BUT when I click Get verification code button, it isn't getting.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. There is error message: The request contains malformed or mismatching credentials ( App ID does not match requested project)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Were you successful in entering the SHA1 key in your firebase project?

  7. Hello bro can I ask you how to enter permission Direct manifest
    using Android software manifest manager Apk

  8. Hello sir,
    Once signout from the app, again sign in is not possible with same mobile number. Plz make one more video to describe sign in again.

    Thanks for your very informative tutorials. Thank u very much.

  9. Thanks a lot,

    Please , i want to edit SMS verification forum in firebase .
    Thank you .

  10. Yes its work properly.
    Sir I request you arrange the code in different lines because some occurred while code pasting so saprate the code in saprate line..

  11. Hello, this is very good tutorial, however, for me, when compiling, there is error: (at line 260)
    else {
    Syntax error on token "else", delete this token

    Any idea what might go wrong?
    Thank you very much

    1. Some mistake in placing curly brackets. Check { and }.

    2. Thank you very much. It all works, you explained well on video and on this blog. Any idea where to look for more online tutorials and guides? (No youtube channels, i prefer written documentation of explanation of commands/syntax/blocks....)

  12. I'm having 2 errors.
    The first time the error was about my SHA-1 key.
    The second time the error was that "mCallbacks cannot be resolved to a variable"

    1. Hi,
      For sha1 key there are 2 more steps to make: have to find your sha1 key using app-dev tools app from yoyr phone have to enter the key in firebase auth account on google

      And since i write this... Does anyone knows...

      if i modify the app (and add new blocks of code) does the sha1 key gets modified?


  13. _fa_sign_in_listener
    here fa is my FirebaseAuth component. If your FirebaseAuth component is fauth, it should be

  14. I have completed all the steps but I got only one OTP after then it's doesn't work.
    Please Help me

  15. I have done everything and it works fine but i have problem when i uninstall the app or clear app data then i cannot login again

  16. Syntex error on token "override" delate this token
    1 problem (1 error)

  17. Hello sir,
    Once signout from the app, again sign in is not possible with same mobile number. Plz make one more video to describe sign in again.

    Thanks for your very informative tutorials. Thank u very much.

  18. Please sir i have done everthing and i can send sms but once i click on signin, app crash and, i see the following error : Cannot create phoneAuthCredential without either verificationproof, sessioninfo, temporary proof or enrollment id.

  19. It is not sending code after logout

  20. App not installed....

    9:17 il k MOD 9

    1. ERROR in /storage/emulated/

    01. sketchware/mysc/601/app/src/main/java/ com/my/dancalsociety/MainActivity. java (at line 168)

    com. google. firebase. auth. PhoneAuthProvider. OnVerificationStateChangedCallbacks mCallbacks - new

    com. google. firebase. auth. PhoneAuthProvider. OnVerificationStateChangedCallbacks() {

    The type new PhoneAuthProvider. OnVerificatio nStateChangedCallbacks(){} must implement the inherited abstract method PhoneAuthProvider. O nVerification StateChangedCallbacks. onVerificati onfailed(FirebaseException)

    1 problem (1 error)

  21. This is very cool however.. After a user logs out...he can never sign in again
    How will i resolve this problem please hellp

  22. How can a single number be reused? Only one SMS is sent to one number! The second time the number is written, it becomes Verified when I click the Get Verification Code button But it is not moving to SuccesActivity. What should I do? How to make multiple SMS messages to a single number?

  23. Hello bro, I have done allthing successfully. But When I log out & trying to again signin with same phone number, OTP does not received.

    Please Help Me

    1. Check this

      You should also have username and password alongwith phone verification.

  24. I recived otp for first time but from second time i'm not getting any otp. But the fun part is that whenever i reboot my phone and try this again it sends me again an otp but same problem again.

  25. Sir I'm getting error on launch when activity please give me telegram id i will send screenshot


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